Hydrogel dressings

Response of the thermal injury and plastic surgery Center of Kyiv city clinical hospital №2

The Thermal Injury and Plastic Surgery Center of Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 2 has been using hydrogel bandages made by the "Ukrtechmed" private enterprise for a long time to treat children and adults affected by thermal trauma.
The main purpose of hydrogel bandages is the wounds closure, the protective functions performance and the moist environment creation.
The wound covering, keeping wounds moisture are an effective means of influencing the wound process that can be regulated.
It is important to ensure the completeness of personal regeneration during the superficial thermal burns: reducing the bandages' frequency and traumatic and creating comfortable conditions for regeneration. The moisture environment contributes to the regeneration processes. The thermal burns treatment is performed depending on the phase of the wound process. The bottom of the wound is being covered with "Arma-Gel" hydrogel bandages with novocaine or lidocaine during the first day after injury for pain relief and drying prevention. The moisture environment under the coating does not form a dense necrosis during superficial thermal burns.
The wound is not deepened.
The bandages change is performed in 2-3 days, after filling with the exsudate. In order to prevent infection of a large area of the burn surface, it is expedient to cover it with a hydrogel coating containing furacilin.
In the exudation phase, a wound covering with nano-silicia, bentonite which absorbs well the wound content, is being used. In order to stimulate epithelialization, it is necessary to use a hydrogel coating with methyluracil. Pain syndrome during the bandaging is absent. Bandaging passes without invasiveness. The bandages have elastic properties, and due to this they take the form of the wound surface, thereby ensuring complete adherence to the wound. They have no side effects.
The experience has shown that there are no contraindications to their use. "Arma-Gel" hydrogel bandages, made by the "Ukrtekhmed" private enterprise, are expedient to use in those patients treatment, who have received thermal injuries and are recommended for wide use.

The Head Physician of Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No.2
A.V. Voronin


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